St. Malo Arena And Hall
Whether you are a youth group, church group or just family and friends, skating at the
De Salaberry Recreation Facility is a great place to enjoy fun at a great price.
In addition, planning a group activity at the De Salaberry Recreation Facility is a great way to
host fundraising events, provide social activity for your business, church, school, or graduation,
and have fun.
Standard Rental Rate:
$150.00 per hour + GST = $157.50
Minor Hockey Associations Rental Rate:
$128.72 per hour + GST = $137.73
Large Arena Hall
$1495.00 + GST
900 person capacity
Small Arena Hall (half arena):
$800.00 + GST
450 person capacity
Upstairs Arena Hall:
$460.00 + GST
140 person capacity
Upstairs Arena Hall for family functions:
$290.00 + GST
140 person capacity
Upstairs Arena Hall for family functions:
$290.00 + GST
140 person capacity